Force of Nature: Empowering Changemakers for a Sustainable Future

Force of Nature is a global community of changemakers committed to transforming the world through educating people, challenging business-as-usual, and platforming young voices.

Force of Nature believes that by bringing together individuals and organizations from different backgrounds and disciplines, we can create a powerful force for positive change. Their mission is to empower and support people to take meaningful action on the most pressing environmental challenges facing our planet today.

Force of Nature is founded by Clover Hogan, a young environmental activist and changemaker who has been making waves in the world of sustainability. Her work is focused on empowering a new generation of leaders who are committed to creating a more sustainable future and channeling eco-anxiety into climate action. 

One of their most exciting initiatives is the Climate Cafés program. Climate Cafés are informal gatherings where people can come together to discuss their thoughts and feelings about climate change and eco-anxiety. The program is designed to create a safe and inclusive space where individuals can share their ideas, connect with others, and learn more about how they can take action on environmental issues. People interested in starting a Climate Café in their city, but have financial barriers, can check out their micro-grants program!

They also offer student programs, teacher trainings, climate anxiety discussion guides, intergenerational forums, and more to uplift communities, young voices, educators, and businesses to take collective action and enable deeper connections. 

If you’re interested in being a part of work that is truly inspiring, empowering, and transformative, check out Force of Nature!


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