Ending Refrigerant Emissions: Inside the Innovation at R.E.E.F.

The Refrigerant Emissions Elimination Forum (R.E.E.F.) is a consortium of industry leaders, academics, and policymakers dedicated to eliminating refrigerant emissions through collaboration and innovative solutions.

Organized by Tristam Coffin, Aaron Daly, and Michael Parks, R.E.E.F.'s work focuses on advancing research, developing and promoting best practices, and advocating for regulations and policies that prioritize the elimination of refrigerant emissions in the HVAC trade. By bringing together stakeholders from across the industry, they are creating a network of advocates and experts committed to reducing the impact of refrigerants on our environment.

What's particularly impressive about R.E.E.F. is their commitment to finding solutions that work for everyone. They are focused on creating an inclusive dialogue and engaging stakeholders at every level - from policymakers to end-users - to ensure that their solutions are effective and sustainable. With the potential to launch a refrigerant buyers group that demands climate-friendly HVAC/R solutions, R.E.E.F. has the power to drive market demand and create real, tangible change in the world of refrigerants. 

Through their work, R.E.E.F. is making a significant impact on reducing refrigerant emissions and protecting our planet from the effects of climate change. Their innovative approach to collaboration and advocacy is a reminder that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet. 

To learn about the next forum and to get involved, please reach out to contact@reefclimate.org for more information.


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